Texas Cherubs, Goat Doggin
I would like to explain my inspiration for sculpting this piece. While studying in Italy I had seen a carved marble sculpture that had a composition with two cherubs in the round for a garden. I used this for my inspiration of “Texas Cherubs, Goat Doggin”. This sculpture would look great in front of a ranch House or Children’s Hospital. I need a patron! I envisioned two cherubs floating on a cloud over Texas and saw children Mutton Bustin’ and thought that would be fun. So down to earth they came and grabbed a very surprised goat.
When I sculpt a piece such as this, I leave it in the clay stage until it has a potential home, then I have it cast in bronze. This allows me to integrate some personal ideas that the future owner may want to incorporate, such as patina color, or some favorite object.
I have enclosed several photographs that show the details and the size. The cherubs are about the size of a four-year-old child. Vickie is shown next to the sculpture so you may have a sense of scale. I have edited the photos giving them a sepia color to look somewhat bronze. Also, I have enclosed close ups of cherubs expressions of pure joy and details, such as the little cowboy’s boots and the little Indian girls moccasin’s. I have also edited out the armature to allow the viewer to see more of the sculpture.